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Five Hundred Years of French Painting, , книга

Five Hundred Years of French Painting

Издательство: Аврора
Год издания: Аннотация: Вашему вниманию представлен комплект из альбомов на английском языке 'Пять веков французской живописи' в 2 томах. В первом томе описывается живопись XV - XVIII веков. Второй том - XIX - XX века. Оба альбома хорошо иллюстрированы фотографиями репродукций Государственного Эрмитажа и Государственного музея изобразительных искусств имени А.С.Пушкина. Каждая репродукция олицетворяет живопись данной эпохи. Книга 1 Five Hundred Years of French Painting 15 th 18 th centuries. Том 1. Переводчик: Юрий Памфилов The Hermitage collection of French painting justly enjoys worldwide fame. It presents an all-encompassing picture of the development of French art over a period of about six centuries, spanning the Renaissance and our own times. This collection, numbering nearly 600 works, has been built up in the course of three centuries thanks to the efforts of many people, among whom were statesmen, eminent connoisseurs, scholars and private individuals. Beginning in the eighteenth century, French culture was always in the focus of Russian society's attention. Russia maintained close links with France in a variety of fields, including politics and philosophy. The role of French Enlightenment in the evolution of Russian thought is generally known, as is the influence which the French fine arts exercised on the formation of Russian artists. The collecting of French paintings by Russians was far from a superficial or fleeting fashion. It was stimulated by that position of leadership which French art occupied at that time in European culture. Книга 2 Five Hundred Years of French Painting 19 th 20 th centuries. Том 2. Переводчик: Юрий Памфилов The selection of French paintings in the Hermitage and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, two of the most famous Soviet art repositories, is so rich and varied that it justly represents the country's entire collection of French works and demonstrates the major stages in the development of the French art school. Both the Hermitage and the Pushkin Museum are especially rich in French nineteenth - and twentieth-century paintings, although their stocks are uneven in quantity and quality. While in the section of paintings from the first half and the middle of the nineteenth century some essential gaps remain, that of the second half of the nineteenth to the early twentieth century is, except in rare instances, extremely complete and varied, and, most importantly, contains works of very high artistic merit. Such unevenness in the selection is chiefly accounted for by the peculiarities of the collecting of nineteenth- and twentieth-century French art in Russia. Составитель: Liudmila Brylenko.


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